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8500 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 615 | Beverly Hills, CA 90211

(310) 278-4200

Areola Tightening: Achieving Aesthetic Perfection

I’m Dr. Babak Dadvand, a double board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills where I often encounter patients with large areolas or potentially some loose skin. For these patients, areola reduction surgery is a life-changer when it comes to their confidence. But what does this procedure entail?

The Process of Areola Tightening

I begin by marking out the area for the areola reduction. The areola is marked in brown, and I then determine the size for the new areola. Drawing a circle around the areola and making an incision around it allows me to remove the skin between the two circles. The transformation happens when I bring the outer circle down to the inner one. This technique not only reduces the areola size but also tightens the surrounding skin. Think of it as a two-for-one procedure!

Minimizing the Areola Reduction Scar

A significant concern for many is the areola reduction scar. As I progress with the procedure, I ensure that the closure of the areola reduction is precise and minimizes scarring. After cutting around the desired areola size and the outer circle, I remove the intervening skin. I then use a permanent stitch that goes from the areola to the skin back and forth. This stitch is crucial for minimizing the areola reduction scar. When I pull up on this stitch, it brings the outer circle down to the inner one, achieving the desired areola tightening effect.

The Final Result

The outcome is a beautifully reduced areola size with tightened skin, giving a rejuvenated appearance. The incision is meticulously layered to ensure it heals with minimal scarring. Areola reduction surgery has allowed me to help countless individuals achieve their desired look in Beverly Hills. If you’re considering this procedure, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Contact my office to schedule a consultation and take the next step toward achieving your desired result. We also have financing options available.

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