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8500 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 615 | Beverly Hills, CA 90211

(310) 278-4200

How To Avoid Bodybuilder Gynecomastia

In my profession, as a gynecomastia and FTM top surgery specialist in Beverly Hills, I see many bodybuilders who struggle with “moobs” – gynecomastia. You may wonder how is it possible for bodybuilders to develop gynecomastia when they are constantly building muscle? Well, the answer is found in the hormonal imbalance caused by the use of anabolic steroids (which I do not promote). It increases testosterone levels in the bloodstream which the body converts into estrogen and this stimulates breast tissue. Hence the development of gynecomastia in bodybuilders.

And, while I do not promote the use of anabolic steroids, I can offer guidance on how to avoid developing big moobs in bodybuilding.

Estrogen blockers or aromatase inhibitors. These can help decrease estrogen levels and minimize the possibility of gynecomastia development. I do, however, recommend that this preventative treatment measure be done under the care and guidance of a medical professional who can monitor your bloodwork (testosterone and estrogen levels) to identify when it is ideal to begin and end the estrogen blockers or aromatase inhibitors treatment cycle. This should ideally help prevent you from needing a specialist gynecomastia surgeon.

I am Dr. Dadvand, and like they say, nothing is guaranteed, not even a condom is 100% safe! At least you know who to contact in Beverly Hills should you need a specialist board-certified gynecomastia surgeon, or need guidance on how to get rid of moobs or how to avoid bodybuilder gynecomastia.

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